
  • Mixed sandwich (tuna, egg salad, ham)


pad thai

  • Ma-la beef slice soup from 蒸龍味坊 in Yoyogi-Uehara station

This was really good! We actually visited them during their pre-open week. This is one of the chains from the Ajibo group. They also have a large selection of natural wine!


pad thai

  • Japanese curry with fried beancurd, lady’s fingers and onions
  • Karaage from Lawson (からあげクン)


Concluded this vegan week.

To be fair, it was more like 6 days. However, it was interesting to see how my body felt energetic at the start. Eventually, the wife and I felt more tired during the week. I think the diet and the weather played a part, however we did enjoy sourcing for vegan options around town!