
  • Bran doughnut from Lawson 🍩

I think there was elements of egg white used in the doughnut so technically it was not vegan.


  • Herb salted peanuts
  • 2 packs of natto (kelp dressing or 昆布たれ)

This was a little sad for lunch. However, I was busy and it was surprisingly filling.


  • Chocolates from colleague (definitely not vegan) 🍫


This was always easy, quick and fun to make.

I normally would have used chicken boullion cubes and dried shrimps (小えび) for flavouring, but the wakame soup worked as a great substitute!


At this point, I did not feel any different from any regular day of eating meat and all. I suppose it is only the second day but I was kinda hoping I would feel some slight physiological changes or so.