This is an unofficial Terraform provider for CircleCI.
The CircleCI provider supports the creation of specific CircleCI resources.
Currently, the following resources are supported:
Use the navigation to the left to read about the available resources.
terraform {
required_providers {
circleci = {
source = "kelvintaywl/circleci"
# update version accordingly
version = "0.12.0"
provider "circleci" {
// You can also set this via CIRCLE_TOKEN environment variable.
api_token = "myCircleCIUserAPIToken"
// Defaults to
// If you are using a self-hosted CircleCI instance (aka Server),
// specify your self-hosted server's domain here ('https://' not required).
// This can also be set via CIRCLE_HOSTNAME environment variable,
hostname = ""
(String) A CircleCI user API token. This can also be set via the CIRCLE_TOKEN
environment variable.hostname
(String) CircleCI hostname (default: This can also be set via the CIRCLE_HOSTNAME
environment variable.